Physical Damage vs. 逻辑损坏:不同类型的数据丢失和恢复方法

你是否依赖各种设备来完成日常任务, business operations, or storing personal memories, losing data can be an absolute nightmare. There are many potential causes of data loss, 但它可以大致分为两种类型:物理损坏和逻辑损坏.

Understanding the nature of your issue is key to data recovery. With that in mind, 和我们一起探索物理损伤和逻辑损坏之间的区别, 以及各种数据恢复选项提供给您.

What Is Physical Damage?

In the world of data recovery, 物理损坏是指对存储设备的硬件造成的损坏. These mediums can include hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), USB drives, 以及存储数据的任何其他形式的物理介质. 造成物理损坏的常见原因包括摔落设备, water or fire damage, electrical issues, and simple wear and tear over time.

Symptoms of Physical Damage

检测物理损伤的迹象和症状相对容易, as they are readily visible or audible. Some common signs and symptoms include things such as:

  • Visible damage to your device
  • Overheating
  • The device is not being recognized by a computer
  • 发出不寻常声音(如咔嗒声、研磨声或呼呼声)的设备

If your device has been dropped, exposed to water, or is currently overheating, 你必须尽快解决这个问题. 您允许这些问题持续的时间越长,数据恢复过程就会变得越困难. 您的设备可能会遭受更严重的损坏,从而导致永久数据丢失.

Data Recovery Methods for Physical Damage

If your data loss occurred because of physical damage, there are two main ways in which to address it. 然而,两者都需要专业的数据恢复服务. 熟练的维修技师可以拆卸您的设备并修理损坏的部件.

如果零件无法修理,您将需要硬件更换服务. In some cases, 更换印刷电路板(pcb)等损坏的部件可以恢复对数据的访问. Still, depending on the severity of the damage, some of your files may be permanently lost or corrupted, and in these instances, the data can never be recovered.

What Is Logical Corruption?

逻辑损坏涉及数据、文件、系统或软件的问题. 常见的原因包括恶意软件攻击、软件崩溃、断电和意外删除.
Compared to physical damage, though, 逻辑损坏是一种复杂类型的数据丢失, especially when the root cause is a malware attack. 通常情况下,逻辑损坏意味着您将永久丢失数据.

Symptoms of Logical Corruption


  • Files or folders disappear
  • 尝试访问文件时弹出错误消息
  • 文件系统显示为“RAW”或未格式化
  • Your operating system fails to boot

如果您注意到任何这些问题,请立即联系数据恢复专业人员. 越早找到问题的根源,就越有可能减少数据丢失.

Recovery Methods for Logical Corruption

如果您遇到了逻辑损坏,那么有一些可能的解决方案. For one, 许多数据恢复工具可以扫描您的存储设备的可恢复字段,并尝试恢复它们. 这些工具通常可以从格式化的驱动器和从回收站删除的文件中恢复数据.

如果问题已经直接影响到您的操作系统, you may also be able to use a system restore point. 恢复您的设备将其操作系统回滚到以前的状态.e., 24 hours ago).

Preventing Data Loss

As you’ve seen, 有许多策略可以恢复由于物理损坏和逻辑损坏而造成的数据丢失. That said, prevention is always the best strategy. 话虽如此,这里有一些保护你数据的建议:

Use Surge Protectors

Since power outages and surges can easily corrupt data, it’s wise to invest in surge protectors, which guard against electrical damage. 如果你正在经营一个商业空间,考虑投资一个商业电涌保护系统. 这种方法将简化保护所有设备的过程,并大大降低与浪涌相关的数据丢失的可能性.

Keep Your Software and Antivirus Programs Up to Date

确保及时安装任何可用的软件更新. 许多这些更新包括错误修复和补丁,旨在使您的软件不易受到攻击.

说到攻击,使用高质量的杀毒软件来挫败网络罪犯,保护你的数据. If you aren’t sure where to begin, 与配置防火墙和防病毒解决方案的经验丰富的IT合作伙伴合作.

Handle Your Devices Carefully

当你移动、处理或操作你的设备时要小心. 不要让液体接触到你的电脑系统,带上保护套或其他防护装备. 如果你的公司发放乐投letou下载,给每个员工分配一个保护手提箱和屏幕保护膜. 采取一些额外的步骤来保护你的设备可以防止数据丢失的噩梦.

Shut Down Your Computer Properly

如果你的电脑死机或者完全没有反应, you may need to perform a forced shutdown. 除了这些情况外,请始终使用标准协议关闭设备.


Invest in Data Backups

Regularly backing up your data is often the best defense against data loss. It’s especially important to back up business data, 因为这些信息的丢失可能会扰乱你的正常运作.

投资于数据备份服务可以让您在意外发生时安心. 您可以使用外部硬盘驱动器或其他自我管理的设备备份数据.

However, 更实际的选择是与加利福尼亚计算机公司这样的备份服务提供商合作. 我们实施计划备份,以确保您的数据是安全的,可靠的,并在您需要它的情况下可用!

Need Help With Data Recovery? Contact California Computer

As Los Angeles’ leading data recovery team, 乐投letou下载可以协助您所有的数据丢失问题. 我们提供恢复、备份和防火墙服务,以解决数据管理的各个阶段. Contact us to learn more.
